Rebozo massage for pregnancy
The rebozo comes from Mexico and is used by traditionel Mexican midwives during pregnancy and birth as a rocking massage technique. This treatment is a way to relax your body and regulate your nervous system by minimizing tension and pain in your pelvis and lower back. It is also a great tool for helping your baby into a good position, ready for birth.
The treatment will take place in the comfort of your own home. Every session is 60 minutes and will vary depending on how you are feeling and how far along you are in pregnancy.
Rebozo treatment: 700 kr.
Three rebozo treatments: 1800 kr.
Rebozo massage for postpartum
This treatment is for after birth and a part of a traditional Mexican ceremony called “Closing of the bones”. The ceremony is a way to honor and acknowledge the amazing work your body has done during pregnancy and birth. The aim is to ground your body and calm your nervous system. The treatment starts with a brief conversation about your birth experience. After, you will be wrapped in soft rebozo scarves from head to toe while we are closing the body after the expansion of pregnancy and birth. This treatment takes about 2 hours and will take place in the comfort of your own home.
I recommend that you are at least 4 weeks postpartum.
Postpartum treatment: 1250 kr.
Birth preparation with partner
This private birth preparation course will focus on how your partner can support you during labor and birth. You will learn how to use a range of different tools e.g. rebozo-massage, movement and breath, pressure and acupressure. This course is also popular with second or third time parents, who need a brush up course and learn useful tools they might have been missing from their previous experience.
3 hours private birth preparation with partner: 1500 kr.
(or 700 kr. per hour)
Prenatal yoga session
Yoga is an amazing tool during your pregnancy. It helps you to build strength in your body, to calm your mind, to connect to your baby and to prepare you for birth. You will learn how to take good care of your body while you are pregnant and also how you can use movement to create progress and relieve pain during birth. You will be guided through different breathing and meditation techniques that will support you in finding a calm and peaceful state moving into labor and birth. Our session ends with a guided relaxation/savasana. The aim of this session is to nurture your body and mind and get the oxytocin flowing. Every session is 75 minutes and are held online until March 2023.
One private yoga session: 600 kr.
Three private yoga sessions:1400 kr.